Fish Laying At The Bottom Of The Tank

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Fish laying at the bottom of the tank
« on: January 31, 2013, 03:28:09 PM »
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Hello, looking for advice please, if anyone can help.

Majority of my tank are Platy Fish but since late yesterday all the Platy's have all been laying on the bottom of the tank, hiding behind plants and extremely jumpy,  darting around the tank at the slightest movement by me, (there are normally really nosey and always waiting for their evening feed) but majority of them are not eating unless a flake of food floated past them. They are not holding their fins clamped and look wise appear to be fine, no obvious signs of illness.

I checked water stat's last night
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 40 maybe slightly a bit higher (my tap water at home is normaly 30-40) (Tank was due a water change this Saturday, I do it weekly)
Late last night did a 20% water change.

No improvement this morning so did another water change/checked filters - still no improvement.

Checked water stat's all fine.

I am baffled to what could be wrong with the tank!  Couple of things I am wondering if it could be....

Had my ceiling plastered over to make it more even in the room where the tank is.  I covered the tank whilst the work was being done.  The fish appeared fine for a couple of days afterwards.  Could this be the problem and fumes poisoned the tank?

My back door slammed really hard with the strong winds - I know the fish dont like bang's but would this have such an effect on the fish for a couple of days afterwards?

The other couple of fish I have appear to be fine, still swimming around and eating! That's why I am really really confused to what is wrong with all the Platy fish (have a mixture of females and males).

If anyone can help be really grateful,

Many Thanks, Carol

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Re: Fish laying at the bottom of the tank
« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2013, 05:14:53 PM »
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It seems odd that it's only the platies. But some fish will be more sensitive than others.
If you are worried about fumes, do you have carbon in your filter? If you do, change it for a fresh batch. If you don't put some in. If there isn't room in your filter, you could try what I do - I have a small cheap internal filter that lives in the cupboard until I need to use carbon. Then I fill a mesh bag (made from net fabric) with carbon, and put it in the cheap filter. One thing carbon is good at is removing organic chemicals from water.

For future reference, a filter medium called Polyfilter made by the company Underworld is good at removing unwanted chemicals. The only problem with it not many shops stock it so you have to buy on-line - not very good for sudden emergencies, but something to keep in the cupboard if you don't mind its price.
Note - not just any polyfilter but that specific one.

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Re: Fish laying at the bottom of the tank
« Reply #2 on: January 31, 2013, 06:26:23 PM »
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Hi Sue,

Thanks for getting back to me.

I did put a new Carbon filter in today when I did a water change about 12pm in hope it would take out chemicals if that was the problem (you must have taught me well previously Sue!!!). 

Never heard of Polyfilter but certainly worth looking into thank you.

I just tested the fish by putting a few bits of flake in the tank, quite a few Platys came out eating at the bottom of the tank quite happily as the flakes floated down (but they normally all gather at the top of the tank when its feed time) then one swam to the top to eat and they all freaked out again swimming really manic around the tank, bashing into the gravel taking cover behind plants, I held my breath wondering what the earth is going on.

Would you advise to keep the tank in the dark? maybe that might calm them a bit.

Sue there is always something with fish I have never seen before, so I am grateful for your advice.  Thank you once again. 


ps.  If anyone has experienced this too with their fish can you let me know please.

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Re: Fish laying at the bottom of the tank
« Reply #3 on: January 31, 2013, 06:56:13 PM »
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I would keep them in the dark for now, mainly because I can't think of anything else. If it's the top they seems wary of, have you changed anything there recently - new light bulb, removed or added any floating plants etc?

Offline Carol

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Re: Fish laying at the bottom of the tank
« Reply #4 on: January 31, 2013, 07:10:45 PM »
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Hi Sue

I have not changed anything in the tank, what has changed is the dining room itself as being decorated.  All that has been done so far is the ceiling plastered, the curtains which are close to their tank removed and no lampshade up - maybe they did'nt like the bright dining room light when the lid is up - Im baffled - but knowing me I will put the lampshade back up out of curiosity tomorrow in the daylight.   I just don't know what has freaked them out.

Any more suggestions gratefully received!!

Thank you for your help

Offline Chucklett

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Re: Fish laying at the bottom of the tank
« Reply #5 on: February 01, 2013, 09:04:33 AM »
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Hi Carol,

Sorry to hear about your platys. Hope normality resumes very soon.

Im afraid I have no suggestions, but will just add to Sues suggestion of polyfilter. It is good stuff and well worth keeping in the cupboard. Not only does it remove anything untoward from the water, but it tells you what it has removed by changing colour (eg. orange = iron or yellow = lead etc). This may help find the source of the problem (well it did for me anyway - in my case it was iron and Natalia concluded it was leaching from the plant substrate so I stripped my tanks down to remove it).

As Sue said, it is expensive (standard size 8" x 4" can be found for about £8 - £10) but I too keep a small internal filter in the cupboard (for my QT), so I used that for the polyfilter thus only needing to cut a small 2" - 3" square piece of polyfilter to fit it. Yes being such a small piece I had to change it daily, but only whilst Natalia asked many questions in order to work out the source of the problem. Once I'd removed the plant substrate from under the gravel, I did a large water change and ran polyfilter again. This time it took a few days to go bright orange (removing the last traces of iron). Another water change and new polyfilter proved all traces of iron had been removed.

Hope your platys are better this morning?

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Re: Fish laying at the bottom of the tank
« Reply #6 on: February 01, 2013, 12:08:21 PM »
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Hi Chucklett,

Thanks for your message, really interesting and def worth a thought to see if that can help in the tank.  Although a bit pricey, when it comes to my fish I dont mind spending my pennies on them!

Not much improvement today im afraid, Platys still all led at the back of the tank behind the plants, they are moving about and nudging each other but any slight movement from me and they dart down low behind the plants again.  Threw few flakes food in this morning, majority came out eating (no probs with appetite) but at the bottom of the tank (same as last night).... then went back behind the plants again.  Its really weird what has made them like this, never had any probs with them.   I've had most of them since babies so there used to me, my hand in the tank cleaning etc, if anything they are too nosey!!

I been racking my brains to what could have maybe frightened them on Tue.  My young nephew visited and stood next to the tank with his fingers on the glass but again they are used to this and dont take any notice of him.

Im keeping them in the dark again today and hope they improve - will keep you posted.

Thanks Carol

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Re: Fish laying at the bottom of the tank
« Reply #7 on: February 01, 2013, 01:56:51 PM »
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Just had a thought - what is the temp of the water? My fish behaved a bit like that after I forgot to plug the heater back in after a water change.

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Re: Fish laying at the bottom of the tank
« Reply #8 on: February 01, 2013, 03:09:22 PM »
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Temp 23C - average for tank fish and always been on this temp - so no change there either.  Thanks for the idea though Sue.

Offline Chucklett

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Re: Fish laying at the bottom of the tank
« Reply #9 on: February 01, 2013, 08:07:34 PM »
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Oh dear. You do seem to be drawing a blank. If they dont perk up over the weekend, maybe you should try polyfilter? If only to eliminate all possibilities of there being something wrong with the water? If you can do that then it pretty much leaves them just having been spooked by the slamming door, or something....

When I had the iron problem, it was my mollies who behaved oddly and a few died, (not at the same time - one here and one there). The other fish apparantly didnt even notice there was anything wrong!

A wild stab in the dark - does the filter need cleaning? Only asking since you're desperate for ideas and I happened to do mine today and so wondered......

Heres hoping they cheer up over the weekend  ;)

Offline Carol

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Re: Fish laying at the bottom of the tank
« Reply #10 on: February 02, 2013, 12:06:45 PM »
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Hi Chucklett,  Im grateful for any suggestions what could be wrong, thank you. 

I did clean the pump a week ago, I have an area for 2 filters and I replaced only 1 filter and checked the other filter, so appeared to be all working fine.  Then on Wed I changed the filter again to a carbon filter.

I kept fish in dark all day/night.  Very very slight improvement today with some of them rising a bit higher up the plants, others still led on stones behind plants and some males venturing out a little from the plants but they still dont like me  :'( or any movement what-so-ever close to the tank.

Not fed them this morning hoping come out searching for food but nope!!! some Platys appear to be eating algae off plants.

Any more ideas welcome!

Thanks Carol

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Re: Fish laying at the bottom of the tank
« Reply #11 on: February 02, 2013, 10:29:33 PM »
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Oh heck  :-\ Frustrating when you dont know whats wrong coz you cant put it right.

Were you there when the ceiling was replastered? Could the builders have knocked the tank or banged it, dropped the trowel on its lid or anything to spook the fish? ....... I doubt this because you said the fish were fine for a few days after the work was done, however you mentioned the back door slamming really loud - is that when the fish started behaving oddly? Noise is magnified under water so maybe that is whats caused them to hide?? What about your curtains/lampshade? Have you put those back up yet? Again, I doubt either of these to be the cause but worth eliminating from the investigation. I agree with you about your young nephew - they've not been spooked by him before so assuming he didnt do anything unusual then I doubt he's behind it.

You've got me at it now! Dissecting and analysing all the info you've given us to try to figure out whats wrong  ??? I know what its like when you just want to make everything alright for your fish but dont know whats causing the problem in the first place.

Keep us posted - I really hope to hear soon that they've perked up  ;)

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Re: Fish laying at the bottom of the tank
« Reply #12 on: February 05, 2013, 10:51:49 AM »
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I did stay in the kitchen whilst the Plasterers were working, so to my knowledge 'no' I dont think the tank was banged but hey who knows!  I did make my concerns with the Plasterers before they started to go careful around the tank and they were fine with it.

I've even prosponed having the decoraters who were due to start today because I dont want to freak them out anymore (yes I love my fish!).

I did put the lampshade back up and curtains and they did tend to come out a tiny tiny bit.  The curtains are quite close to the tank and next to their favourite 'hang out spot' plant (think its equivalent to us going to the pub  :) ) its where they all go every night and have a play..... so could be the reason why they are not happy!

Again I am not sure perhaps my nephew did have a ' slight tap' on the tank enough to freak them out.

I am at a lose end ..... maybe a mixture of all of the above just freaked them out.

I have been monitoring them and they will come out to eat when the flakes of food float down, some males are definitely getting more confident and swimming around the tank, when the tank lights are on and im not in the room the rest of the fish are getting more confident and having a swim around the botttom of the tank... then they see me walk in and all dart for cover!!  :o Im getting quite paranoid now..... and before you ask no i have not changed and dyed my hair a different colour!  ;D

Any more ideas gratefully received.

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Re: Fish laying at the bottom of the tank
« Reply #13 on: February 05, 2013, 01:01:42 PM »
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Is it possible that the hardness of your water has slowly been increasing and reached a level that the platys now find difficult to tolerate? Several large water changes on the same or consecutive days would help this. I have fairly soft tap water and a planted tank. So I have to add fertilisers that increase the hardness of the water for the plants, but over time, some of them build up and so I have to periodically have to do a huge water change (>>50%). The fish behaviour is usually one of the first indicators that I need to do this (they get increasingly shy and skittish). And it is usually only one type of fish that changes behaviour.

And you are sure that your nephew didn't "add" anything to your tank?

Another slightly off-the-wall suggestion: have you changed the colour of your clothes? My fish are less skittish when I get close to the tank to feed them if I am wearing dark clothing, rather than cheery colours. So they generally seem more friendly in the winter than the summer! :) I guess this could apply to your curtains as well, if you have significantly changed the colour of them?

Offline ColinB

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Re: Fish laying at the bottom of the tank
« Reply #14 on: February 05, 2013, 01:10:46 PM »
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Another slightly off-the-wall suggestion: have you changed the colour of your clothes? My fish are less skittish when I get close to the tank to feed them if I am wearing dark clothing, rather than cheery colours. So they generally seem more friendly in the winter than the summer! :) I guess this could apply to your curtains as well, if you have significantly changed the colour of them?

Not too off the wall. MrsB has a jumper we refer to as her 'fish frightener' - it's a bright shade of raspberry pink and only my two platies hide from it.

I would imagine the water would be almost solid if it was too hard for platies ( :) )and it seems like too much of a coincidence that the hiding started after the re-plastering. Is it (or was it) fumey in the dining room - were any chemicals used to strip paint and/or was the ceiling prepered with a PVA wash before being re-plastered. Did the plaster have plasticiser in it or an anti-mould agent? Any of these fumes/chemicals could've dissolved in your tank - so I would think that water changes would be a good idea.

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Re: Fish laying at the bottom of the tank
« Reply #15 on: February 05, 2013, 06:50:04 PM »
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Had my ceiling plastered over to make it more even in the room where the tank is.  I covered the tank whilst the work was being done.  The fish appeared fine for a couple of days afterwards.  Could this be the problem and fumes poisoned the tank?

Just seen this thread and not sure if my input will help solve your mystery.

There are many kinds of plasters used for different purposes, but the most common types used in domestic premises are
Cement Plaster: mainly made up of calcium, iron, lime, magnesium.
Lime Plaster: mainly crushed limestone.
Gypsum: Calcium Sulphate. (Plaster of Paris)

Of the three gypsum is the smallest particle size and usually used as an internal finishing coat on walls and ceilings. It can also become airborne when being mixed which is why some plasterers use face masks when mixing.

So, if your plasterers mixed their plaster in the same room as your tank it is possible that some gypsum particles reached your tank water surface. Even removing a temporary cover might have allowed the dust to scatter even more.

As gypsum is soluble in water it might not show on the surface, but a sufficient large amount would show as a milky colour.

I think Calcium Sulphate, if present, would increase your pH, but not sure if that would effect your fish.

Just a thought.


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Re: Fish laying at the bottom of the tank
« Reply #16 on: February 07, 2013, 03:41:54 PM »
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WOW thank you to you all for your replies, really interesting......  I will try and reply to all your suggestions

My water at home is extremely hard and forever getting limescale inside the taps etc, so that is certainly something to consider.  The fish are due a water change so may do a large one, see if it helps.  Interesting how it only effects one type of fish in your tank when the hardiness is the prob.

I put the same curtains back up, im frightened to change anything now! Since putting them back up they are using the plant in the corner again!  What did spring to mind though is I have bought some casual tops and yes they are bright colours mmmm I wonder if that is the problem!  ::)

I laughed when I read about MrsB rasberry jumper and the Platys hide, and from what Helen wrote too... So I could be the problem with my fish because of the choice of clothes im wearing!!   :o

On a more serious note, yes PVA was used to seal the ceiling prior to plastering.  I did have sheeting over the tank, also the Plasterers made a plastic 'tent' over the tank (taping it to my wallpaper, that then tore off on removal but thats another story) so whilst the PVA and plastering was being done the tank was what I hope covered sufficiently - what are your thoughts?

Not sure if had plasticiser in it or an anti-mould agent.   I best keep up with the water changes just to be safe.

Thank you for the info and breakdown of ingredients in plaster - Oh gosh I held my breath reading your message  :o.  The plaster was mixed in the kitchen but my kitchen and dinning room are linked without doors (not open plan) but enough for particles to float through in the air when being mixed.  When the Plasterers were having a cuppa I did pop in and open the plastic tent to have a peep to make sure the fish were ok - I prob did the worse thing and let particles in!  Oh gosh I feel terrible now.  I did keep the back door open and offered them to open the french doors in the dining room, which they did not do whilst working.  I opened the doors once work was completed.  Definitely a large water change on the agenda!

On a happier note to end.....

There is an improvement in the tank, a few fish were actually waiting at the top of the tank in their feeding spot, more out waiting at the bottom of the tank ready to eat.  So they are getting more confident with leaving the plants, still a few jumpy one's who dart for cover but definitely getting better..... so from all your help I am going to do a large water change, wearing dark clothes and not even dare decorate my dining room in a different colour or change the curtains  ;) The moto in my house is going to be 'Platys Rule Ok!!'

A BIG thank you to all of you for your time and anymore suggestions please let me know.  I may finally get to the bottom of the mystery with my Platys.

Carol  :)

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Re: Fish laying at the bottom of the tank
« Reply #17 on: February 07, 2013, 05:50:18 PM »
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Glad to hear things are improving.

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Re: Fish laying at the bottom of the tank
« Reply #18 on: February 19, 2013, 09:26:43 AM »
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Any news?

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