Tropical Fish Forum

Think Fish Tropical Fish Forum => Introductions and hello's => Topic started by: alannah172 on May 30, 2019, 02:48:33 PM

Title: Just a quick hello!
Post by: alannah172 on May 30, 2019, 02:48:33 PM
Hi all  :)
I've just joined as a newbie fishtank owner and keen to learn the right way!  I'm just stocking my new (but second hand) 70L tank.  I bought it with used media and filter (AQUAFLOW 200), heater, some gravel and a couple of ornamental plants.
 I have been cycling it for 3 weeks with added Aqua Safe after each weekly 25% water change.  Last weekend I bought 3 white tipped tetra - planning on 6 - and they seem to be happy and healthy.  I'm also going to look at getting 2 dwarf gourami and 4 panda corys.  Think that'll be plenty as I don't want to overload it!
If anyone has any tips or advice for me, please do let me know  :fishy1: :fishy1:
Title: Re: Just a quick hello!
Post by: Sue on May 30, 2019, 03:59:45 PM
Hi, welcome to the forum  :wave:

Can I make 2 suggestions?
Get more than 4 cories because they like to be in groups of at least 6, with more being better. The same applies to the tetras.

Dwarf gouramis are very often infected with one (or both) of 2 incurable diseases by the time they get to the shop. The diseases are tb which will infect all other fish, and iridovirus which is specific to dwarf gouramis.
Honey gouramis are a better choice as they tend not to arrive at the shop with any nasty infections.

Once the tank is fully stocked, you'll need to increase your water changes to 50% a week  :)

Just to check - since you have fish, you are testing the tank water for ammonia and nitrite to make sure all the bacteria survived in the filter?
Title: Re: Just a quick hello!
Post by: alannah172 on May 30, 2019, 04:40:35 PM
Hi Sue  :wave:

Thank you so much for your suggestions, I'll take them on board and look to having 8 tetra and 6 corys.  Now do you think that my tank is big enough to hold this many, and any more after this?  The dimensions are 58cm x 40cm x 30cm.
I am also keen on rams, so instead of gourami (which I have heard carry many diseases) 2 of these could be an alternative maybe?

I plan to do a master kit check every other day at the moment as I'm a bit paranoid about spikes and I don't want my fish to be unhappy or stressed by something I have or haven't done to the tank.  The one I've done so far came back with good results - 0 for ammonia, 0 for nitrite and 5 for nitrate.
I got them on Sunday and did a check on Tuesday evening, due to do another tonight.  At the time of doing the tests, I have a bottle of the liquid that kills the ammonia and feeds bacteria into the filter and I put a dose of that in.  Did I do the right thing?

I sound absolutely paranoid really!!  I've read so many stories of ammonia, dying fish, bad parameters that I'm like a rabbit caught in the headlights!!
Title: Re: Just a quick hello!
Post by: fcmf on May 30, 2019, 07:19:07 PM
Hi Alannah and welcome :wave:

I think the plan for 8 tetra and 6 cories sounds good.  A source, which has an up-to-date detail of requirements of different species, suggests that the bentosi/ornate tetra (if that's what you mean by white-tipped) requires a 90x30cm footprint, so your 58x30cm footprint would be better suited to other types of tetra - is there another type that takes your fancy?  I have x-ray tetras which are lovely but there are numerous ones which are suitable for that tanksize eg ember, glowlight, cardinal, yellow phantom, flame, diamond, kitty, reed, jellybean and rosy (each less common).

As for whether rams would be an option, I'd be a bit concerned about the cories' welfare if the rams breed and become territorial in such a small tank as both tend to occupy the bottom region of the tank. I have the same size of tank footprint and, while I love rams, feel that the tank is too small for such species. An alternative option might be to have a fish occupying the top region of the tank - a few sparkling gourami might be an option (although I have read that the choice of tetra with them ought to be more calm than x-rays, but the others I suggest are possibilities).

Check your water hardness by inputting your postcode into your water/utility website, let us know the results for water hardness in terms of CaCO3 and German degrees hardness, and that might help us with some further suggestions for you.

Edited to add: just reading Sue's response to another post and I realise there's something I forgot to mention here. Cories fare much better with sand rather than gravel as it prevents their barbels wearing down and potentially infection setting in.
Title: Re: Just a quick hello!
Post by: alannah172 on May 30, 2019, 09:36:50 PM
Hi fcmf  :wave:

Thank you for your advice!

I checked my water hardness today actually and it's 217mg/l which I worked out would be 12 dKH . I remember seeing a German reading, but didn't note it down.  I understand the reading I have means slightly hard to hard water.

Oh I'm so disappointed that the white tip tetra are not right for the tank  :-\ I love them and they seem so happy!  I'll look at the others and see which I like.

My gravel is specifically meant for Cory's as it's small and smooth, I made sure I had suitable strate for them as I knew I always wanted them 😊

I'll find out the German reading tomorrow and report back  :fishy1:
Title: Re: Just a quick hello!
Post by: alannah172 on May 30, 2019, 10:04:23 PM
Just a quick addition to above ... I believe I may have rosy tetra, not ornate. Not sure if this makes a difference to the suitability in my tank 😊
Title: Re: Just a quick hello!
Post by: Matt on May 30, 2019, 10:24:14 PM
The Seriously Fish website is a great place to check water hardness ranges for your fish  :cheers:
Title: Re: Just a quick hello!
Post by: alannah172 on May 31, 2019, 10:06:22 AM
Hi all  :wave:

Just checked the German hardness reading and it's 13dH

Matt thank you for the recommendation, I'll go check out Seriously Fish  :fishy1: :fishy1:
Title: Re: Just a quick hello!
Post by: fcmf on May 31, 2019, 02:14:51 PM
Just a quick addition to above ... I believe I may have rosy tetra, not ornate. Not sure if this makes a difference to the suitability in my tank 😊
I'm sorry - in skimming your post, I'd somehow missed the fact you'd already got them, otherwise I might have been more sensitive with my wording. Wow - ornate and rosy tetra are remarkably similar and, interestingly, I've read how they were almost considered the same in the past. Strange, therefore, that the aforementioned site states quite different requirements for them in terms of minimum tank size.  ??? For now, probably the best is to increase the numbers to 6 (less stress for them to be in a shoal of that size at least, than keeping them at only 3 in number) and see how they get on and, if difficulties occur, consider whether to upgrade the tank size if you can create the space/budget for that and use your existing tank for other fish - I really oughtn't to be encouraging multiple tank syndrome, though!  :D

Your water hardness is at the very upper end for ornate or rosy tetras and panda cories - 12 German degrees hardness being the maximum. There are measures which can be taken to adjust the water accordingly if required although rather complicated. @Littlefish has harder water than you, so she might be best-placed to advise on what measures she takes to ensure optimum health of her fish whose water requirement range she's on the borderline of.

Great about the gravel being cory-friendly and purchased with that in mind.  :cheers:

Title: Re: Just a quick hello!
Post by: alannah172 on May 31, 2019, 04:24:24 PM
fcmf - honestly, don't worry about sensitive wording, it's fine!! I'm learning a lot as I go and I love to have advice from more experienced fish keepers  ;D  I'm pleased that I am able to keep these little ones as I really love them!  I'm adding another three tomorrow, so I'll have more of a shoal on the go after that.

Luckily I'm in no rush to stock my tank, I want to do it nice and slowly so that everyone is happy.  I'm also open to what fish I have, so again, will take my time research.  I love the sparkling gourami you suggested, and also the honey gourami that Sue suggested.

With regards to softening my water, as it's only one degree over, I'm thinking that I might get a nice piece of driftwood to go in there and then that'll be a natural source, rather than adding peat etc into the filter or RO water.

Thanks guys, as before, with all your help and advice, I'm very grateful  :fishy1: :fishy1: