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Fish Tank Plant Advice / Re: Propagating plants - where to cut?
« Last post by fcmf on June 08, 2024, 06:56:21 AM »
Thanks, @Matt - very helpful.  :cheers:
Fish Tank Plant Advice / Re: Propagating plants - where to cut?
« Last post by Matt on June 08, 2024, 06:35:09 AM »
Firstly sorry for the stupidly delayed response - very busy with work at the moment!
 You are right to cut just above a node as this is where the new growth will come from. You will also get two shoots growing from the node in nearly all instances. Most people would suggest cutting a node near the base of the plant in order that the two new shoots grow up from the base, and replanting the rest of the long stem you trimmed off. 
Fish Tank Plant Advice / Propagating plants - where to cut?
« Last post by fcmf on June 02, 2024, 10:37:10 AM »
One for @Matt , probably, but happy for anyone to answer.

This is the only longstanding plant I've ever had - only the second to ever last beyond a few weeks. Purchased just before the start of CoVid reached the UK, it's now 4.25 years old which is a remarkable feat by my standards.  [Most of the stalks are getting thinner and thinner, though, so unfortunately its days are numbered.]

Ordinarily, when it gets too long, I cut it in half - above a node to see if any re-growth appears in the lower half (95% of the time it doesn't and the lower half dies) and then re-plant the upper half after cutting below a node.

On this occasion, for two parts of the plant, I cut the upper half off just below a node and re-planted it but forgot to cut close to the node on the lower half - and, on both occasions, tiny new leaves *are* starting to appear which is promising.  My questions are:
* have I been doing this incorrectly all along and this is what I should have done, and leave it be?
* ought I to trim back the ~1cm at the top so that I'm cutting down to just above the node and its newly sprouting leaves?

Introductions and hello's / Re: hello new fish tank owner here
« Last post by Robert on May 08, 2024, 04:50:20 PM »
Nice! Thanks for sharing :)
General Fishkeeping Chat / Re: Update on my first aquarium tank
« Last post by tornmean9 on April 26, 2024, 05:19:08 PM »
i added 8 congo tetras to the tank  so im done with stocking fish for the 300l

and my new 200l tank i just got 2nd hand  it needs bit of a clean but got ir cheap with a stand

it not letting me insert or upload the images 

@fcmf now i just got to decide what to put in it if to go another community route or more species tank with something like pea puffer fish
General Fishkeeping Chat / Re: Update on my first aquarium tank
« Last post by fcmf on April 20, 2024, 01:52:51 PM »
Sounds great, @tornmean9 - well done in getting it set up, established and your water maintenance regime in place.  Thanks also for the photo of the lovely swordtail.

I'm sure we'd love to see and admire updated photos of the 300L tank as a whole whenever you get a chance.

I like and approve of your "problem" - great re the 200L tank, and that sounds like a lovely plan for stocking (I keep small fish like the ones you're thinking of).

Keep us posted on both tanks as they progress.  :fishy1: :fishy1:
General Fishkeeping Chat / Update on my first aquarium tank
« Last post by tornmean9 on April 19, 2024, 12:42:08 PM »
as i posted in new member in febuary i decided to  get my first tank a 300l tank   the cycling went well and and i been adding fish slowly

i now have
12 glass bloodfin tetras (
pair of croaking gouramis (
1 (l066 pleco)

and now finally today i got my new swordtails which im really happy about  so far tank been going well i check the water regularly and change water weekly

problem is im already looking at new tanks and other fish ive just brought a new 200l tank that i want to fill with small fish like ember tetras and dwarf pencilfish etc
Fish News / Fish - pain
« Last post by fcmf on April 19, 2024, 12:05:28 PM »
<a href="" target="_blank"></a> 
Fish Health / Re: Fin rot?!
« Last post by Squeebo84 on April 16, 2024, 06:21:50 PM »
Thank you for the reply, I think I'm just being a bit panicky (if that's a word)
Doesn't seem to be getting worse and have heard if I only have male endlers there might be a bit of squabbling.
Fish News / Fish - cognitive abilities and self-recognition
« Last post by fcmf on April 16, 2024, 06:18:23 PM »
Courtesy of the Fish Ethology & Welfare Group (@group_fish on Twitter):
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