New Tank

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Offline Resa

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New Tank
« on: April 30, 2013, 11:23:12 PM »
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Hi Everybody,

I have decided to look around for a bigger tank, my current one is only 60L.
At the moment I have only got 1 Colisa Lalia, 4 male guppies, 3 blue marbled platys (and their offspring) and 2 otos.  I intend to increase my oto count to 6 and definitely want at least 6 panda corys as well.  I would also like to add another couple of fish...don't know what ones yet, I have to do my research on who will mix happily with them.  Or, a small shoal of something.  Anyone have any suggestions on best size tanks?  Also, would I be better to have just a sand substrate, could I have live plants in this?
My baby platys will be going, a local shop has said they will take them....I'm just hoping that it's not for food for their huge great piranha!  I was joking about that....but you don't think they would, do you???

I'm also assuming that I would have to cycle the tank from the beginning as I don't suppose my current filter is mature enough to take a sponge from?  It's an external Marine S15, and I actually don't know if all the sponges in it (there are 3) are the same or if they have different mediums in each one.  I don't know if I could put a new sponge in one of the slots and use the old one to help start off a new tank, but then, I guess it would need to be the same filter and there is probably a better one for a larger tank, although I would still quite like it to be an external one.

Anyway, just investigating at the moment, but all thought s would be most welcome....thanks


A Selection of Fish in my Fish Community Creator Tanks
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Offline SteveS

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Re: New Tank
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2013, 12:41:18 AM »
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Most of the questions you ask have answers that are a matter of opinion rather than fact but I'll offer myself up for the slaughter as follows:
  • Tank Size: How long is a piece of string.  The best size is the one that fits the furniture you have or the space you wish to put it in or is big enough for the fish you wish to keep in it.  At the same time it should be small enough that you can cope with the water changes, unless you put some sort of automatic system in place.  It also shouldn't be too heavy for the floor.  You don't really give many clues, but probably the most common size is around 150-180 Litres.  These are about 100cm or so long.  The larger the tank the more stable the water conditions (all other things being equal).
  • Substrate: Sand is fine for plants.  Aquatic plants, generally, take their nutrients from the water column as well as their roots.  Root tabs will help there.  There are exceptions though so "research research".
  • Cycle: It's been a couple of months now and it will be longer by the time you get your new tank, so take a sponge and put it into your new filter.  It doesn't matter if it's a different filter, cut it up if you have to [the sponge not the new filter].  It's a huge shortcut on the cycling of a filter.
Anyway, good luck and don't rush in.  Try and decide what fish you wish to keep and then buy a tank to match rather than the other way round.  I see you have some ideas, try and flesh them out to a definite list and work from there.

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Offline ColinB

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Re: New Tank
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2013, 07:43:24 AM »
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Wow - good news Resa.

I'd look to a shoal of mid-water fish to get that interaction that I find the best thing. I used to think it was colours and differences that would interest me most, but after a year I find that it's the behaviour that's the best thing. So a shoal of fish where the males would 'display' and they would group together and swim around would be my thoughts.

With that in mind then at least 80cm long would be good, and a decent height to allow the different levels to exist. I think these Rosy Tetras are great (link) but there is a 'nippy' warning if kept in small numbers. Round-banded barbs looked good in the LFS when I saw them a few months ago (link).

But Hey, the fun's in the research!

Do you intend to keep the 60litre tank running as well as the new tank?

A Selection of Fish in my Fish Community Creator Tanks
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Offline Sue

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Re: New Tank
« Reply #3 on: May 01, 2013, 08:37:17 AM »
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If the plant experts say sand will be fine, go for it. It opens up more fish possibilites. Just wash it till you are sick of washing it to get rid of the dust. Put some in a bucket and run water through, stirring the sand, till the water runs clear. Repeat till you've done it all.

The marina S15 is classed as a HOB filter rather than an external. That's 'hang on back' filter. External means a cannister filter (as the Americans call them) which sits in the cupboard under the tank.
Looking at the manual for the S15, it has a strainer sponge and cartridges which contain biocarb or bioclear depending which ones you actually have. The carbon in the cartridges will already be saturated and colonised by bacteria.
If you don't keep the 60 litre, move them all over, cartridges and strainer sponge, into the new filter and fill in the gaps with the media that comes with the new filter. And move all the fish over at the same time. Check your ammonia and nitrite daily, doing water changes of you see either of them. Wait till you know that new tank definitely has zero ammonia and nitrite and get more fish a few at a time. Then after another couple of months replace one cartridge a month, then the strainer sponge till you have all new media.
If you want to keep both running, put one of the cartridges in the new filter (place it where the water enters the filter so any loose biofilm gets washed into the new media). Put some new media in the space in the old filter - a piece of sponge would be better than a cartridge. Then do a fishless cycle on the new tank. Getting the bacteria strarted is the longest part, if you add mature media it shortens the cycle considerably. Once the new filter has been running cycled for a couple of months, replace the old filter's cartridge with the proper media.

[If your new filter has carbon, put it in the cupboard and get more sponge or ceramic media or whatever instead]

Offline jesnon

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Re: New Tank
« Reply #4 on: May 01, 2013, 10:18:56 AM »
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Exciting news about a new tank Resa! I'd love a bigger tank too but unfortunately in my small flat it's not too practical at the minute... maybe when I move house!

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Offline Resa

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Re: New Tank
« Reply #5 on: May 17, 2013, 11:11:21 PM »
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Hi Guys,

So sorry for the delay in my reply, I've had some stuff going on which has caused me to be really rude and not acknowledge your helpful suggestions before now.
Hopefully, normal service is now resumed.

I am hoping to go and do some tank window shopping next week.....really looking forward to it! :)


A Selection of Fish in my Fish Community Creator Tanks
Panda Cory (11) - Otocinclus (2) - Platy (3) - Dwarf Rainbowfish (7) - Dwarf Gourami (2) - Red Phantom Tetra (5) - Salt and Pepper Catfish (2) - Otocinclus (2) - Guppy (male) (4) - Dwarf Gourami (1) - Platy (6) - Dwarf Rainbowfish (5) - Panda Cory (6) - Otocinclus (2) - Salt and Pepper Catfish (6) - Dwarf Gourami (1) - Platy (5) - Guppy (male) (4) - Otocinclus (2) - Panda Cory (6) - Platy (3) - Dwarf Rainbowfish (5) -
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Offline ColinB

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Re: New Tank
« Reply #6 on: May 18, 2013, 07:59:03 AM »
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oooo - exciting. ;D

A Selection of Fish in my Fish Community Creator Tanks
Panda Cory (7) - Honey Gourami (3) - Ember Tetra (9) - Lemon Tetra (4) - Cherry Barb (1) - Otocinclus (2) -
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Offline Sue

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Re: New Tank
« Reply #7 on: May 18, 2013, 12:25:55 PM »
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Just so I don't upset Steve replying in the Non-fish Section:

Resa -
Then, the other evening after doing Rafe's (my betta) water change, I managed to knock the corner of his tank against the worktop.....disaster!  Water came pouring out!  In panic, the only thing I could think to do with him until I could get a new tank, (not easy this month as May is one Bank Holiday after another!!!) was to drop him into the mini tank that hangs on the inside of my main tank to house fry or separate any squabblers.  I haven't had to use it yet, as all my fishies behaved so nicely with my babies.  I quickly put it in as I was so worried about Rafe not being warm enough or filtered enough.  I figured it was better he was sort of in a proper tank rather than just in a bowl.  Anyway, it seemed to work well enough.  Flockhart, my colisa, investigated thoroughly and bumped his nose against the little tank, though not really aggressively.
    Anyway, I did a water change and as I have now decided to do a 10% waterchange twice a week rather than a bigger one once a week, I lowered Rafe's mini tank so he didn't lose water depth.  All went well, tank refilled, everyone happy!  I decided I deserved a cuppa and sat down with one to watch my fishies......when, HORROR! Where was Rafe???? I figured I must be looking at an awkward angle and that I just couldn't see him in his little tank.....then there he was...happily swimming around inside the main tank with EVERYONE ELSE!!!!  I had forgotten to raise his pad up again!  My heart was in my mouth, my stomach lurched while I waited for a bloodbath to break out any moment. :o  Well, that was yesterday early evening, and he is still in there!  I have kept a very close eye on them...and so far, so good.  Do you think they will be alright until I can get him a new tank?  Or could they still decide to kill each other?
    The fish shop has either large proper aquariums (100L plus) or silly plastic ones designed for children at the moment, (for children to keep fish in, not keep children in! ;D ) so I have to wait for new stock or see if I can get one online.  If they would be ok temporarily, I would prefer to try and get my new larger tank and then Rafe can stay in the current 60L one.

    Well, sorry to drone on, but one last thing.....whilst I was at the fish shop, I felt the need for a treat to cheer myself up, so I got 3 little coral (yes, I know I don't like orange, but they were really cute) platies ;) and then, I saw him and it was love at first sight.....a little panda cory!  He was all alone and I know he needs at least 5 chums, but I figured he would be better in my tank with some friends than on his own in the shop, so I got him....and then I saw his little mate peeking out through the I got him too!  They are so sweet, I love watching them bumble about in the tank.  I hope they will be ok.  My nitrate levels have been really good lately, not getting above 25 so I think the plants must be doing their stuff.
    Next week I am going to try and find some more so they are up to full numbers.

Rafe - if he's in with a dwarf gourami there is the potential for one of them to suddenly snap. Both species are known for their aggression.
How good are you at sewing and how much time do you have spare? The answer could be in the photo. It's made from plastic canvas, with polystryene strips sewn round the top as floaters. With a fish like a betta, I would also put a bit of the canvas over the top as they can, and do, jump. Advantages - they can be made as big as you want; the water flows through the mesh; they float at the water surface so no need to worry during water changes.

The cories - it is hard to resist  ;D Make sure you get some more soon  ;D

Offline Resa

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Re: New Tank
« Reply #8 on: May 20, 2013, 06:32:21 PM »
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Hi Sue,

Thanks for the floating tank suggestion.  Sewing isn't a problem...even better if I could make one from patchwork ;).  However, I was unable to do anything about it after your post as it is yet another bank holiday here!!!  Everywhere is shut until tomorrow at the earliest.  So, I shall probably see if I can find Rafe a new tank if the new stock has come in.  I also want to try and track down some more pandas and I will also be taking in all my baby platies to my local shop.

Now for some sad news.  On Saturday evening, my teeny-tiny panda died.  I was a little unsure about him, he was much less active than the other one....and very, very small.  He also had rather a stressful time being caught in the shop, so I don't suppose that helped.  There was one other in the shop with the two that I bought, but he was even tinier and looked very quiet, even the girl in the shop shook her head when she caught him and put him back in the tank.  I am hoping that it was just because they were very young and that they don't have any illness. other one, is at least twice as big as the little one who died, and is very busy.....well, bumbling about the tank.  He seems very active so I have my fingers firmly crossed.....I adore him already! :)
My nitrates are low (I have checked that) so I am assuming that isn't the problem.  I will also give it a few more days to make sure that there isn't a sickness hitting them.  My own baby platies are fine so I'm guessing that my water conditions must be ok, although I suppose they are used to the water.
This morning one of the new coral platies was also dead when I checked them all.  He had no marks on him.  He came from the same shop that the pandas came from.  The platies are quite small as well.  The only other fish I have bought from this shop was Rafe, but he has been perfectly ok, but then he was in a jam-jar on his own.

On another subject, I forgot to ask if there were any particular makes of aquariums I should avoid for my new larger one?  Or indeed, if there were some that were particularly recommended?

Anyway, all thoughts welcome.


P.S. Oops...sorry Steve, I have just realised that this might not conform to just an equipment query.  I shall go now to chastise myself with a wet lettuce leaf  ;D ;D

A Selection of Fish in my Fish Community Creator Tanks
Panda Cory (11) - Otocinclus (2) - Platy (3) - Dwarf Rainbowfish (7) - Dwarf Gourami (2) - Red Phantom Tetra (5) - Salt and Pepper Catfish (2) - Otocinclus (2) - Guppy (male) (4) - Dwarf Gourami (1) - Platy (6) - Dwarf Rainbowfish (5) - Panda Cory (6) - Otocinclus (2) - Salt and Pepper Catfish (6) - Dwarf Gourami (1) - Platy (5) - Guppy (male) (4) - Otocinclus (2) - Panda Cory (6) - Platy (3) - Dwarf Rainbowfish (5) -
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Offline jesnon

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Re: New Tank
« Reply #9 on: May 20, 2013, 06:47:02 PM »
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So sorry to hear about how things have been Resa, I hope your friends are all coping OK.

And what a nightmare about Rafe's tank! At least things seem to be going OK so far.

Sorry to hear about your fishy deaths :-( Fingers crossed things improve and your other fishies are all OK

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Offline Resa

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Re: New Tank
« Reply #10 on: May 20, 2013, 06:51:29 PM »
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Thanks Jesnon......things can only get better???

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Offline jesnon

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Re: New Tank
« Reply #11 on: May 20, 2013, 07:01:17 PM »
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I definitely hope so! Definitely sounds like you've been having a tough time of it recently... some good news has to be heading your way!

A Selection of Fish in my Fish Community Creator Tanks
Endler's Livebearer (8) - Panda Cory (4) - Cherry Barb (3) - Galaxy Rasbora (6) -
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Offline Sue

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Re: New Tank
« Reply #12 on: May 20, 2013, 07:30:53 PM »
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You are having  bad time  :(

The cory could just have been a bit sickly as it was so small, but with the platy as well I'd keep an eye on all the fish from that shop.

As for tanks, I can't think of any make in particular to avoid. Personally, I wouldn't get the kind with a filter built into the lid - there is a risk of the media drying out in a power cut. That might be just me though, other people seem to like them.
Tanks that come packaged with the heater and filter - it is common for the filter & heater to be the smallest they can get away with. If the shop would upgrade a filter, say, for a small additional cost, go for it.

My 125 litre is a Juwel Rio. I removed the built in filter after a month or so because it was so noisy - though I've only heard of one other person with th same problem. Every other comment has been how quite they are  :-\ Other than that, I can say from personal experience they are well built. My 50 litre is an Eheim. They also make bigger tanks. The 50 litre (nominally a 54 l, but that's right to the top of the glass) is also good build quality.

Offline SteveS

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Re: New Tank
« Reply #13 on: May 20, 2013, 07:47:42 PM »
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P.S. Oops...sorry Steve, I have just realised that this might not conform to just an equipment query.  I shall go now to chastise myself with a wet lettuce leaf  ;D ;D

I am ignoring that comment!

A Selection of Fish in my Fish Community Creator Tanks
Angelfish (1) - Panda Cory (10) - Harlequin Rasbora (10) - Otocinclus (10) - Japonica Shrimp (10) - Honey Gourami (10) - Galaxy Rasbora (10) -
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Offline Resa

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Re: New Tank
« Reply #14 on: May 20, 2013, 07:55:32 PM »
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ooo.....beam me up, Snotty! ;D ;D

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Panda Cory (11) - Otocinclus (2) - Platy (3) - Dwarf Rainbowfish (7) - Dwarf Gourami (2) - Red Phantom Tetra (5) - Salt and Pepper Catfish (2) - Otocinclus (2) - Guppy (male) (4) - Dwarf Gourami (1) - Platy (6) - Dwarf Rainbowfish (5) - Panda Cory (6) - Otocinclus (2) - Salt and Pepper Catfish (6) - Dwarf Gourami (1) - Platy (5) - Guppy (male) (4) - Otocinclus (2) - Panda Cory (6) - Platy (3) - Dwarf Rainbowfish (5) -
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Offline ColinB

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Re: New Tank
« Reply #15 on: May 25, 2013, 08:30:08 AM »
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Sorry to hear about your fish, Resa. One of my Cherry Barbs jumped out a day or two ago and we found him dead on the floor. :'(

A Selection of Fish in my Fish Community Creator Tanks
Panda Cory (7) - Honey Gourami (3) - Ember Tetra (9) - Lemon Tetra (4) - Cherry Barb (1) - Otocinclus (2) -
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Offline Resa

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Re: New Tank
« Reply #16 on: May 25, 2013, 10:54:33 AM »
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Oh poor barb...sorry Colin.

I'm glad you're back.....I was a bit worried about you.


A Selection of Fish in my Fish Community Creator Tanks
Panda Cory (11) - Otocinclus (2) - Platy (3) - Dwarf Rainbowfish (7) - Dwarf Gourami (2) - Red Phantom Tetra (5) - Salt and Pepper Catfish (2) - Otocinclus (2) - Guppy (male) (4) - Dwarf Gourami (1) - Platy (6) - Dwarf Rainbowfish (5) - Panda Cory (6) - Otocinclus (2) - Salt and Pepper Catfish (6) - Dwarf Gourami (1) - Platy (5) - Guppy (male) (4) - Otocinclus (2) - Panda Cory (6) - Platy (3) - Dwarf Rainbowfish (5) -
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Offline ColinB

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Re: New Tank
« Reply #17 on: May 26, 2013, 10:33:27 AM »
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Cheers, me dear.

A Selection of Fish in my Fish Community Creator Tanks
Panda Cory (7) - Honey Gourami (3) - Ember Tetra (9) - Lemon Tetra (4) - Cherry Barb (1) - Otocinclus (2) -
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Offline Resa

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Re: New Tank
« Reply #18 on: May 26, 2013, 03:42:00 PM »
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Hi Guys,

Some help needed, please.  We went tank window shopping yesterday, and I think I am settled on a Juwel Rio 180 in black.  Good idea?  Anyone have any negative experience of these?  I'm a bit unsure about the internal filter combined heater.  On looking at reviews most people say it is a quiet filter, although one person said it was really noisy, (and I think sue has said this as well :-\ ) Also, I am unsure if the heater can be removed from the filter or is it an integral part?  If it is, (integral, that is) would that mean if either the filter or heater failed, both would be redundant, requiring me to replace both items?  I'm also thinking that I would probably want to change the internal filter to an external one, or rather a HOB type, as I won't be getting the cabinet the tank sits on.  Would it be adviseable to change the filter or should the one supplied be ok? If I change, what filter do you all suggest and also what heater?

The other problem that has me scratching my head is, how do I change tanks?  The new one is going in exactly the same place as the old one, so I have the problem of removing the old one full of fish so that I can place and set up the new one! ???  I wondered if I bought some spare sponges for whatever filter I am going to use, and then put them in my current tank under the water (that returns in to the tank) would they start growing bacteria?  I don't know how to change the tanks places whilst keeping a cycled tank going until the new one is safe ??? ??? ???  If I could be sure that the new tank could be cycled like this, then I could potentially set aside enough time to:

1. Remove  say, 50% of my water.
2. Move old tank to temporary spot. Although, this would still be amazingly heavy. Put back old water.
3. Set up new tank with substrate, plants, rocks etc.
4. Switch on filter, heater and leave running to reach temperature.
5. Test water and temp, if ok, move fish over.

I would ideally like to leave the 60L up and running so Rafe can stay in there.

Anyway, I have thoroughly cooked my head, so I'm waiting for the genius ideas I know you will all have ;D

Many thanks, guys.

A Selection of Fish in my Fish Community Creator Tanks
Panda Cory (11) - Otocinclus (2) - Platy (3) - Dwarf Rainbowfish (7) - Dwarf Gourami (2) - Red Phantom Tetra (5) - Salt and Pepper Catfish (2) - Otocinclus (2) - Guppy (male) (4) - Dwarf Gourami (1) - Platy (6) - Dwarf Rainbowfish (5) - Panda Cory (6) - Otocinclus (2) - Salt and Pepper Catfish (6) - Dwarf Gourami (1) - Platy (5) - Guppy (male) (4) - Otocinclus (2) - Panda Cory (6) - Platy (3) - Dwarf Rainbowfish (5) -
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Offline Sue

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Re: New Tank
« Reply #19 on: May 26, 2013, 04:00:17 PM »
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The rio first.
The heater is not fixed inside, you can remove it. You would just need to buy a heater holder. The ones on the market here are like this

The filter is OK for non-messy fish. The pump is usually rated at less than 5 times turn over though. I've only come across one other person who thought it was noisy, most others say it is quiet. I removed mine after about a month. The only downside to that is that it appears to invalidate the warranty so make sure it doesn't leak before doing anything to the filter. It is held in the tank by blobs of silicone, four on each side. It is quite easy to remove - I did it with water and fish in the tank though it's easier without. You need a bendy knife to saw through the upper blobs on one side - very carefully, avoiding the corner sealant. For the upper blobs on the second side, ease the filter casing away from the glass for access. Then ease the casing further out and saw through the lower blobs. The traces of silicone left on the glass can be scraped off with a razor blade held at an angle to the glass - again be careful of the corner sealant and scatching the glass.
If you want a HOB filter, make sure it has more than just carbon cartridges, or that you can change the media to something more useful. The lid should be quite easy to cut to fit a HOB.

What I'd be inclined to do is set the tank up somewhere, fill it with water and turn the filter on. That would check for leaks and allow you to hear how noisy the filter is. You may decide it's OK to use. There will be a carbon sponge included. Leave it in the cupboard.

The fish currently in the 60 litre - are they all going in the new tank or will some be staying in there with Rafe? And does Rafe have a cycled filter in his tank? The answers will help with the way to get things set up  ;D


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