Changing Substrate (with Fish In Place) With A Base For Plants..

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Hi, I've not posted in while.. a quietly balanced tank for a bit!

However, I'm thinking of changing my sand and gravel substrate for something complete like Fluval Stratum (still browsing types) for two reasons; I have gradually hoovered much of my sand up and my plants could do with some help!!

What I'd like to ask, is what are your experiences of doing these changes with the fish in tank? I hate netting them or moving them so would rather do in tank if I can. Obviously I need something not toooo dusty (reviews of substrates seem to vary greatly on that topic).
I was thinking I need to either attack in two halves, or even thirds? So I don't disrupt my happy balances...

Any other advice?
(Its only a 64 litre tank and some of the substrates come in massive bags so have crossed those off my list). Plants... I only have anubias and something I've forgotten the name of with long thin leaves - never been quite as perky as it was when I bought it BUT Ive not killed it! I'd like to invest in some more but not until I have something to plant them in!!

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Re: Changing substrate (with fish in place) with a base for plants..
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2020, 04:27:29 PM »
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If you can post a picture of your long leaves plant I will identify it for you. The anubias won’t benefit from substrate as it shouldn’t be planted in it. Are you wanting to get other plants?

You can definately siphon our existing substrate and add new but you are right to want to look for one that isn’t dusty and also one that doesn’t release significant amounts of ammonia initially. I haven’t used it personally but I believe Tropicas planting substrate is good in this regard. I would add it using a plastic drinks bottle with a thin (normal) next so as the substrate falls out the displacement of the water keeps any dust in the bottle.

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Re: Changing substrate (with fish in place) with a base for plants..
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2020, 04:34:44 PM »
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Matt beat me to it!

Have you used root tabs for the plants rooted in the gravel? The anubias should be attached to decor so that needs just a liquid fertiliser but most plants in the substrate need root tabs. And I am aware that after a year or two some plant substrates become inert like your current sand and root tabs then become necessary.

I don't know what fish you have but if there are bottom dwelling fish, remember to check if your new substrate is smooth enough for them.

I would not like to change substrate with fish in the tank. I changed from gravel to sand several years ago, but I did it at the same time as I moved the tank across the room so I had to remove the fish and empty the tank to move it.
The amount of muck that came out of the gravel had to be seen to be believed. Sand may not have quite the same amount but there will still be a lot, and sand also runs the risk of gas pockets. I have read recently of someone who changed their sand substrate with fish in the tank and a lot of the fish died.

If you are quick with the swap, the fish will be OK in a bucket - covered with something, even a cloth - for a couple of hours. Plan everything first. Get the substrate washed ready. Then siphon water into the bucket, catch the fish and put them and the decor in the bucket. Then siphon the sand out, and you'll probably need to remove all the water as well as it'll probably be very messy by the time the sand is all removed. Once the new substrate and plants are in the tank, fill it with new water and put the decor and fish back in.

I will let someone else describe how to put the plants in the new substrate as all my plants are either floating or attached to decor.

When you say you've hoovered up sand, have you not washed it and put it back in the tank? That's what I do.

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Re: Changing substrate (with fish in place) with a base for plants..
« Reply #3 on: July 14, 2020, 07:12:50 PM »
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Thanks for the tips.
I love the idea of using a bottle to direct substrate!
The anubias are attached to items (rock, bog-wood), one is clinging desperately to the sand with his roots but his rhizome is free (nice root tangle for little fishies). Do they absorb some nutrients via their roots or are they only a physical attribute? I will find a picture of the other plant (a new one wouldn't show much identifying foliage  :D)   I use PlantaMin liquid fertiliser. Havent looked at the Tropicas closely.. will do that now..

I might do a half conversion of substrate! (one half for specifically aimed at plant growing!). I do pour the sand back just lost a bit each time and wasnt over generous at the start. I have always made a point of disturbing a different small section of substrate at each water change with intent of avoiding nasty gassy surprises!

I would also like a floating plant for a bit of light cover but I think it would get wedged in a corner due to surface movement - I have filter at each end.


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