Tropical Fish Forum

Tropical Fish Keeping Help and Advice => Fish Health => Topic started by: Mervyn on December 11, 2012, 03:59:24 PM

Title: Molly flicking against leaves!
Post by: Mervyn on December 11, 2012, 03:59:24 PM
A couple of my Mollies...who are eccentric anyway have started on occasions flicking against the leaves of plants  with an occasional wobbly swimming fashion. Yesterday I noticed their abdomens had some darker red marks (could they be gravid spots?) and today they seem to have gone to a lighter colour.

They are swimming ok all over the tank as usual and feeding quite normally. This odd behavior is really only occasional. I have read that this flicking could be a sign of white spot?? All the other fish are ok.

There is a male Molly present so they could be pregnant but would not know the signs and their bellies look normal.

I do not like to use meds or chemicals unecessarily but have a white spot treatment should I dose anyway? Just in case. My camera refuses to work at the moment so cannot provide a photo but will try and get my grandson to take one with his mobile later.

Water is.......Ammonia 0ppm....Nitrite 0ppm......Nitrate...20ppm....ph8 

I should add that this behavior seems to happen when the lights come on in the Tank. It reminds me a bit like when our dog goes bonkers when we come home after being out for an hour or so.
Just noticed it is the other orange/black molly with red belly spots! The fish look very similar.  :P
Title: Re: Molly flicking against leaves!
Post by: Chucklett on December 11, 2012, 07:38:36 PM
Hi Mervyn  :)

Im not too good at helping people with fishy troubles, but I have mollies so I can tell you how things go my end if thats any help? If someone with more fishkeeping experience comes along with any advice, then please listen to them and not me!

I too have read that flicking can be a sign of whitespot. However, I sometimes get a molly or two do this and it has not been whitespot (so far, touch wood). Therefore, I wouldnt treat for it unless you see signs of it. Besides, it is generally advised not to "randomly" treat with medication "just in case" - you should be sure of what you are treating and get the correct meds accordingy.

With regards to their "wobbly swimming fashion" - could this be shimmying? Again, my mollies do this sometimes and it is because of the soft water here. They prefer the water harder, especially black mollies. In fact, I think they like to have salt in the water - but that is way beyond my understanding.

I once read an article that stressed clean water is the key for mollies. I used to change about 35% water every week (hoovering the gravel), with a mid-week 20% - 25% water only and the filter cleaned monthly. I would still do this if it wasnt for my tap water (long story!) So now I frustratingly do only 25% every week (hoovering the gravel) and every so often I do 50% to try to make up for it.

Hope this helps  ;)

Title: Re: Molly flicking against leaves!
Post by: Sue on December 11, 2012, 07:48:26 PM
Flashing is a sign of whitespot, but it can be other things too. High ammonia can cause fish to flash on things (but not in your case) so always check your ammonia if you see it. And fish do gets itches like we do. Keep a close eye on the fish for the first sign of salt grain-like spots. Medication for whitespot works like magic, but it is quite a harsh medication. I wouldnt use it unless you are completely sure the fish have it.

It is well known that fish can get spooked when the lights go on. Some people have moonlights that come on shortly before the main lights and go off shortly after to avoid spooking the fish. I have green neon tetras and they lose their blue stripe when they are asleep (even during the day with the gloomy weather we are having at the moment) so fish do behave differently in the light and dark.

Title: Re: Molly flicking against leaves!
Post by: Mervyn on December 12, 2012, 05:20:27 AM
Thanks Chucklett and Sue,

Thanks for the advice. The more I watch them the more I just think they are really eccentric fish :D :D

My son has some silver mollies, and he tells me his behave in a very similar way. So I will keep a watching brief and see how it goes.

They are certainly fish with character, and also very nosey fish. :P I may be just a touch paranoid as I want to make sure all the fish get the best care that I can give them. ;)
Title: Re: Molly flicking against leaves!
Post by: Chucklett on December 12, 2012, 01:05:27 PM
Yes they are indeed very nosey fish  ;D