Tropical Fish Forum

Tropical Fish Keeping Help and Advice => Fish Health => Topic started by: Nan on October 13, 2022, 02:01:25 AM

Title: Donny the Betta has white gunk by his vent
Post by: Nan on October 13, 2022, 02:01:25 AM
Hi!  It's been a while since I've posted, sorry!  Been working pretty long hours lately. In the meantime, I haven't taken as good of care of Donny the Bettafish and was lax on water changes.    :(   He has come down with a white patch on the fins by his vent area.  It seems to be confined only to there.

I have thoroughly cleaned his tank (always the first thing to do) and pulled out his live plants. Many young snails have gone to snail Valhalla now. Many.

He has had daily saltwater dips.  I have also added salt to his tank.  Didn't seem to do much after a week of daily 1/4th water changes with salt replacement. He's enjoyed playing in the water when it was being poured in, though.

Added catappa leaves, for good measure. No appreciable change. He has enjoyed lurking around under them.

Water change.

Then tried four days of Betta Revive (which contains methylene blue (<0.5%), proprietary polymer mixture, buffers, EDTA, malachite green chloride (<0.01%), cyanocobalamin and electrolytes.)   (That has always been my "go to" and worked on my other bettas really well for most problems they've had.) No appreciable change.

Big water change.

They didn't have a big stock of medications at the local aquarium store - the truck hadn't showed up and they said it was tough to get aquarium medications lately. I was looking for methylene blue and was going to try dabbing the spot only with it. None in stock, unfortunately. So the most likely one to try that they did have was erythromycin. (She agreed that the Kanaplex was kind of harsh, so trying a gentler one like the erythro was a better choice, and hopefully would work.)

Tried four days of erythromycin, with 1/4 water changes every other day per the instructions.  I can't see any difference on it. My daughter says she thinks "it looks a bit crustier" than it did before. Not sure what that actually would translate to - scab-ish, maybe?

Have put the carbon filter and his live plant back in, after another 1/4 water change. Added Flourish on the advice of the betta lady at the pet store. (I found an actual person at a pet store who had a clue about bettas.)  He's swimming around in there, apparently annoyed that I've put his plant back in and it's in his way now when he wants to patrol the tank.  That's Donny.

API says I could repeat the treatment, as needed. Not sure if I should wait to see if it is actually clearing up or not, or give him another course of the meds.

Donny's water parameters are spot on, he's at between 77F and 78F measured just above the gravel (which he's always been happy at - it's slightly warmer higher in the tank), and he was blowing a heck of a lot of epic bubble nests since his big tank clean out. He's swimming well and his appetite is good.

Not sure what else I can do for him at this point. I don't relish the idea of netting him out and using a cotton swab to put something like hydrogen peroxide directly on the white stuff, but I will if I have to and can't find the meth. blue soon.

Any other ideas I can try? Or am I rushing his recovery? (It's only been just over two weeks since I spotted it.)
Title: Re: Donny the Betta has white gunk by his vent
Post by: Matt on October 13, 2022, 05:31:34 AM
Personally I’m always a believer in giving things time in these situations - my only questions I would ask would be:

Have you been using a gravel cleaner to remove waste from the substrate?
Have you been testing the water and getting any weird results?

Your fish sound like it is behaving normally, if this changes I would consider more drastic action, otherwise I would monitor & keep up water changes.
Title: Re: Donny the Betta has white gunk by his vent
Post by: Hampalong on October 13, 2022, 05:03:50 PM
I’m not a fan of trying medications before identifying the problem. Medications also cause stress.

Do you have a description? “White patch” isn’t much to go on. A picture also would tell us a lot.

Title: Re: Donny the Betta has white gunk by his vent
Post by: Nan on October 13, 2022, 10:40:19 PM
Hi. No, I don't have a photo, sorry. My digital camera is awol. Otherwise I would have posted one. (And no, I don't use a smart phone, before you ask - because that is almost always the universal "next line" these days. )  :)

He's indigo blue. There is a whitish area on the fins near his vent immediately adjacent to his body. It seems a bit more pronounced on one side than the other.  I no longer see well enough to be able to give you more of a description than that. It's recently developed, and almost assuredly from his tank not being kept up to standards.

Also before someone suggests it, there are no vets within 75 miles (I checked that far out) that "do fish." I found one a day's drive away, but he's booked for a few months out. I'm not in the UK.

My assumption is that it's either fungal or bacterial. I would have hoped the salt would have taken care of the fungus if that's what it was, but seeing no response tried to treat for bacterial. He does seem slightly better today. Possibly.

So it could have been either, I guess, and one of the treatments has done some good. As have the water changes.  Yes on the gravel vacuum, but was lax on that as well for a couple of weeks. (Hence the poor water quality.)

Given no other options at present, I'll watch him a while and if it either doesn't seem to be improving in a few days or starts getting worse I'll have to sort out what to do then.
Title: Re: Donny the Betta has white gunk by his vent
Post by: Hampalong on October 14, 2022, 11:49:54 AM
Sounds like it may be lymphocystis.
Title: Re: Donny the Betta has white gunk by his vent
Post by: Nan on October 15, 2022, 01:15:42 PM
Hi. Thanks for your reply. I guess it could be?

He is still eating normally and seems happy and although it could be wishful thinking it does look to me as if he has improved some more. So I guess there's nothing else to do but keep an eye on him. As long as he gets no worse I will try to not worry about him.

I have also now put a calendar on the wall near his tank that I am marking off water changes on so I don't forget!  It's a five gallon tank, and I've been doing 1/4 water changes every other day for a while (recommended with the medication), but am going to drop back down to every three or four days once I'm sure the bacteria cycle has gotten itself well-established again. Historically I've changed out half the water twice a week, but I think that for now I'll go with less quantity but more often.

Since we have brutal winters here, and the room got chilly even with heat on last year, I have found some thick pieces of rigid packing foam that I've cut-to-size and put up against the back and two sides of his tank, and he has his heavy towel for of the the top of the lid to help keep the heat in even when the room gets chilly. (Two "outside" walls, unfortunately, and questionable insulation.)  The tank is holding at between 77 and 78F now at all times and he seems happy with that.
Title: Re: Donny the Betta has white gunk by his vent
Post by: Nan on October 25, 2022, 12:50:44 AM
So it appeared to have all but disappeared, and has come slamming back with a vengeance.  It's now like a mass attached at the base of his fin near his vent, rather than just a white discoloration. It is clearly visible sticking out looking from either side.  I have been religious about water changes, so it's not poor water quality at play now.

I have just re-started a course of erythromycin, since it did seem to help. I have API Fin and Body cure (Doxycycline) in reserve if salt dips and the erythromycin doesn't work.

The beta lady at the fish store says she recommends a sulfa, in case it's columnaris. (sp?). I've been looking everywhere for Furan 2, which used to be a "go to" sulfa treatment several years ago and which she also recommended, but cannot find it anywhere in town. Can anyone recommend a different brand?
Title: Re: Donny the Betta has white gunk by his vent
Post by: Hampalong on October 25, 2022, 11:03:52 AM
Myxazin will treat columnaris. Or any of the better off-the-shelf bactericides.
Title: Re: Donny the Betta has white gunk by his vent
Post by: Nan on October 25, 2022, 12:43:37 PM
Thanks. And what would those be, please?

Had my daughter come over to look at it. She has much better vision than I do. She says it does not look fuzzy at all, but more like a mass of cauliflower. Which, if memory serves, does not bode well for Donny. Still trying Erythromycin and salt, and will be switching to Sulfa on Friday when the medicine hopefully arrives in the mail. Have also ordered methylene blue and will swab him with it ASAP.
Title: Re: Donny the Betta has white gunk by his vent
Post by: Hampalong on October 27, 2022, 12:03:16 AM
Thanks. And what would those be, please?

I’m not sure as I only ever use Waterlife, but Sera and Esha treatments seem to have a good rep.
But if it looks like cauliflower it’s more than likely lymphocystis. If it is there’s nothing you can do about it, but the fish will be ok.
Title: Re: Donny the Betta has white gunk by his vent
Post by: Nan on October 27, 2022, 02:25:06 AM
Yeah, I'm starting to think that's what it is. There are scales (he's blue, so it's easy to see them) on top of the mass now. Fingers are crossed it goes away on its own. It's grown quite a bit in just a short time, which is worrying.
Title: Re: Donny the Betta has white gunk by his vent
Post by: Nan on December 03, 2022, 11:41:10 PM
Ok, so it grew considerably, on both sides of his body, just above his vent, and was not fuzzy at all.  It was under the scales, pushing them off.  I treated with the sulfa and salt, and swabbed Betta Revive directly on the masses every few days. There wasn't much staining of whatever it was.

Continued every-other-day water changes, keeping it at about 77F.  I also put in what we jokingly refer to as tanna leaves (after the old "Mummy" movie from the 30s or 40s where they use "tanna leaves" to bring the mummy back to life) - catapa leaves. He likes to hang out under them. It's only a 5 gallon aquarium, so I never had more than one large one in there at a time.

So in the last several days the masses have been sloughing off, leaving him a bit raggedy-looking. (It was quite alarming to see.) I tried staining with Betta Revive this afternoon to see if there was damaged tissue or if it was just rejuvenating tissue - and only a tiny bit of the white area stained on one side. The other side and underneath remained unstained. Most of the previously afflicted area is now just white, and it is pretty much following the contours of how his body was shaped before this started. (He's cobalt blue, so it's more than easy to see where it is!)

Once we saw that basically bits of the poor guy were detatching and the areas where the mass had been started looking a bit fuzzy, I was concerned about a secondary infection and switched to a combination of SeaChem PolyGuard and SeaChem KanaPlex. There is much less hanging off the poor fish now. He's eating well, and is now dancing for his supper again.

Still doing every other day 1/2 tank water changes and adding salt. Medicating every other day (instruction say it can be used for up to three weeks at a go). He definitely is looking better - we're not sure but that we can see the start of blue scales growing again around the edge of the areas that were infected, if it was an infection? Whatever it was, he seems improved. Fingers are crossed!

In case it's of use to you:

PolyGuard contains sulfathiazole, malachite green, nitrofurantoin, nitrofural, & quinacrine dihydrochloride.
Kanaplex is kanamycin sulfate.
Betta Revive is  "methylene blue (<0.5%), proprietary polymer mixture, buffers, EDTA, malachite green chloride (<0.01%), cyanocobalamin and electrolytes."
Title: Re: Donny the Betta has white gunk by his vent
Post by: Matt on December 09, 2022, 09:27:26 PM
Hope he continues to recover
Title: Re: Donny the Betta has white gunk by his vent
Post by: Nan on December 10, 2022, 01:06:59 PM

He seems to be holding steady - no worse, not much better that I can see. He is still active and he dances for his supper, so I guess those are good signs? I feel really bad for the poor thing, but we will keep treating him and hope for the best.